mixed media on canvas by maurice ernst

in the age of information and datobesity, fake news and other stories are very used in our daily life. in this work of art i want to show the space and how it allows the apparition of information in any kind or forms making an absurd collage about not related things but telling a story though. fake or true the viewer´s brain only decides or not which information to choose to do his own narrative. a poem surrounds the canvas “paysage digital – paysage virtuel – incompréhensible – maintenant visible – on cherche – infini – 1000000000000(…)000 – des résultats apparaisent – algorithme!- vérité du peuple et du fric- cerveau le sens toi seul tu donnes – fait à vienne par maurice ernst” (digital landscape – virtual landscape – incomprehensible – now visible – we search – infinite – 1000000000000 (…) 000 – results appear – algorithm! – truth of the people and money – brain the meaning you only give – made in vienna by maurice ernst)

maurice ernst studied art & science at the vienna university of applied arts and architecture at the université libre de bruxelles. nomadic and curious by nature, he does not like to obey or follow conventions. he explores spatiality as a way of understanding the world. if he has an obsession, it is collecting data and curiosities thus making his own wunderkammer.

cover photo by ivonne gracia